

About the project

„Cervical cancer and its precursors can be well managed through cytological screening. Our goal is, among other things, to strengthen the position of Liquid Based Cytology in the screening program, to point out its undeniable advantages over conventional cytology and, during the diagnostic process itself and possibly to expand its range of diagnostic possibilities. This will allow early detection of pre-cancerous conditions thus enabling individualization of further therapeutic algorithm in the respective patients. Breast cancer is another type of cancer with increasing incidence, which, despite considerable advances in medicine, keeps taking a heavy toll. I believe that our diagnostic and scientific research activities will contribute to progress in this field of medicine as well.

MUDr. Peter Bohuš

Project Coordinator

Within the scope of the project, MGA focuses on research into the two most common types of cancer in women – cervical cancer and breast cancer. By conducting research in these areas, MGA intends to put into practice new diagnostic methods benefiting the people suffering from these diseases.

Cervical cancer in Slovakia represents a serious medical as well as social problem. It is the second most commonly found cancer in women with the incidence of approximately 500 new cases per year and mortality rate of 200 to 220 women every year. The most common type of cervical cancer is the squamous cell carcinoma, followed by cervical adenocarcinoma. Other types of cervical cancers are significantly less common.

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women in developed countries. It makes up as much as 18% of all cancers in women. In the US only, 227,000 new cases were reported in women and 2,000 in men in 2012. The average age is between 45-50 years of age, and between 60-65 years of age. The cause of breast cancer has not been fully explained yet.


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